FULL MOON August 3rd: The first half of August is a tense and restless time as we move through this year of change and enforced growth. A tsunami of influences continue to push and pull during this period of adjustment and shifting societal dynamics.
The Full Moon occurs in Aquarius on the 3rd at 12 degrees and squares change agent Uranus while holding a sextile to the healing energy of Chiron. Chiron in Aries says "your personal growth is necessary," while Uranus breaks down structures to then build anew. The Full Moon in Aquarius, is exact at 11:59 a.m. EDT on Monday, August 3rd. Mercury is opposing Saturn on this very day suggesting a serious approach to contracts, binding agreements and discussions.
The Aquarian glyph represents waves of water from the river of life in the form of knowledge poured out upon the world in a vibrationally intuitive (water) manner. Aquarius symbolizes scientists, friends, networking, group dynamics, activism, photographers, personal goals, innovation, technology, television, civil service, and public corporations. www.jeanwiley.com