Current United States Transits

Current United States Transits

United States Transits: 

Saturn conjunct Moon in 3rd house (February 18 – March 15, 2023):  The 3rd house is associated with communication, transportation, and local communities. Saturn's influence on the Moon in this house could indicate a cautious and conservative approach to these areas, with a focus on tradition and stability rather than innovation and change.  The conjunction could also suggest challenges or restrictions in the country's communication and transportation systems, such as delays, regulations, or limitations. It may also indicate a need for the country to establish stronger boundaries or rules in these areas, in order to maintain order and security. On a psychological level, this conjunction could manifest as a tendency towards pessimism, anxiety, or depression in the collective psyche of the country. The emotional tone of the country may be more reserved and serious, with a focus on practical matters rather than emotional expression.

Chiron opposition Saturn from 4th to 10th house (Apr. 2022 - Jan. 2024) exact again March 18th:  The placement of Chiron in the 4th house of the United States chart, opposite Saturn in the 10th house, suggests a challenging dynamic between the country's roots, family values, and sense of security (4th house) and its societal structures, authority, and sense of responsibility (10th house) Chiron's placement in the 4th house indicates potential wounds or traumas related to family, home, and the sense of belonging. This may manifest as a lack of nurturing or emotional support, a feeling of displacement, or a sense of not belonging to one's own country or culture.

Opposing Saturn in the 10th house suggests that these wounds may be connected to the country's sense of authority, responsibility, and ambition. There may be a sense of pressure or restriction related to career or social status, which can create conflicts with the need for emotional security and connection to family and home.

On a societal level, this dynamic may manifest as conflicts between the government or other authority figures and the general public, particularly around issues related to housing, social welfare, and education. There may be a need for the country to address systemic inequalities and provide more support for families and individuals who have been marginalized or traumatized by past policies and practices.

Overall, the opposition between Chiron in the 4th house and Saturn in the 10th house suggests a need for the country to balance its societal responsibilities and ambitions with the need for emotional security and connection to family and home. This may involve addressing past traumas and inequalities, as well as creating policies and structures that support both individual and societal well-being.

Neptune trine Mercury from 3rd to 8th house (June 2022 – January 2024):  In the United States mundane chart, Neptune trine Mercury from the 3rd to the 8th house suggests a harmonious flow of energy between the realm of communication, learning, and local environment (3rd house) and shared resources, transformation, and hidden matters (8th house).

This aspect indicates that the United States has the potential to use its communication and learning skills to gain deeper insights and understanding into hidden or taboo subjects, such as psychology, occultism, and metaphysics. It also suggests that the country's ability to share information and exchange ideas can facilitate transformative experiences and create a sense of unity around common goals.

However, the trine aspect can also indicate a lack of motivation or discipline in utilizing these skills, as the energy flows easily without much effort. Therefore, it is important for the United States to be intentional about utilizing its communication and learning skills for transformative purposes, rather than allowing these talents to go to waste or be used for superficial or manipulative ends.

Mars conjunct Mars (Mars Return 1st in October then Mars retrograded and now final every 2 year return (1 Oct. 2022 - 8 Mar. 2023)The Mars return in the United States 7th house in mundane astrology indicates a period when the country is likely to focus on partnerships, relationships, and diplomacy. The 7th house represents one-on-one relationships, including business partnerships, alliances, and treaties with other countries.

Mars is the planet of action, energy, and assertiveness, so during this time, there may be a more proactive and assertive approach to foreign policy and negotiations. There may also be a greater emphasis on military alliances and joint military actions with other countries.

However, the presence of Mars in the 7th house can also indicate potential conflicts and disagreements in partnerships and alliances, particularly with regard to issues related to power and control. It is important for the United States to be mindful of these potential conflicts and to work towards resolving any disputes in a fair and diplomatic manner.

Overall, the Mars return in the United States 7th house suggests a time when the country will need to balance assertiveness with diplomacy in its relationships with other countries and partners. By taking a proactive and strategic approach, the United States can work towards building strong partnerships and alliances while avoiding potential conflicts and disputes.

Pluto Return in 2nd House (Exact conjunctions are  2/20/22, 7/11/22, 12/28/22, 9/21/2023):

Orb of influence:  1/26/21 – 4/24/24  The Pluto return in the 2nd house of the United States mundane chart indicates a period of transformation and deep introspection with regards to the country's finances, values, and material possessions. The 2nd house represents the country's wealth, financial stability, and resources, as well as its values and priorities.

Pluto is the planet of power, transformation, and intensity, and its return to its natal position in the 2nd house can bring about significant changes and upheavals in the country's financial and economic systems. This can include changes in tax policies, government regulations, and financial institutions, as well as a potential shift in values and priorities related to wealth and material possessions.

The Pluto return in the 2nd house can also bring to light any underlying issues or power struggles related to money and resources, both within the country and in its relationships with other nations. The country may need to confront any hidden or taboo issues related to wealth and material possessions and work towards a more equitable and just distribution of resources.

Overall, the Pluto return in the 2nd house of the United States mundane chart indicates a time of transformation and deep introspection with regards to the country's financial and economic systems. The country may need to confront any underlying power struggles or issues related to money and resources in order to create a more equitable and just society. This can be a challenging but ultimately transformative period for the country.

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