Environment and Managing your Field

Environment and Managing your Field

The other day the Guides were showing me shear huge sheets of plasma hitting the Earth they keep talking about attenuating that frequency, by that we mean learning to modulate the energy within your own field and why using grounding techniques are so important.

You're here to stay in your body, not leave it, and master the managing of frequencies. They continued saying there's a lot of disturbance in the frequency patterns right now, combined with the environmental injections interrupters (Not sure if they are referring to the chemtrails...heavy, heavy spraying the past several weeks). This has been clashing and disorienting the field.

They say we are moving through a period of much interference. Building skills of inner balance and inner peace are so important now..

My Note: We have so many environmental energies effecting us that science has not quite caught up to yet. The origin of the plasma sheet is still a subject of discussion on magnetospheric physics but it is thought that the region plays an important role on the transport of plasma around the Earth from the magnetotail towards the Sun. The plasma sheet is closely related to the convective motion of plasma occurring as a result of magnetic field reconnection.

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