Channeled Message this morning 5/19/24 from my Guides lovingly to the Collective:
Resolve is your touchstone now, as humanity is awakening, and so too are you. We call you to the expanded perspectives of moving beyond what has been in a state of capture for so many millennia. Tied in with this is the freedom of choice and the awareness of the choices that you carry within you, more so, perhaps, than ever in your life. Are you understanding the consequences of choice? To this, we call you to all areas of daily living, including food that is clean, healthy, free from toxins, genetic manipulation, and the imprisonment of your fellow sentient beings. This understanding is growing in the field, along with the recognition that food is indeed medicine.
We also call you to the freedom to interact, speak, share, ponder, and inquire, as this has been an inalienable human right, which has also been tinkered with and manipulated. You need others to share with, to compare notes with, to gain information from, to elevate and support one another. So too is your right to live free of these programs and distortions, to step more fully into your light, awakening to the strong creator within, aligning with the ongoing healing and transformation of your old perspectives tied to self and identity. The inversion of these light-filled humane themes serves as your wayshower, strongly contrasting what limitation looks like versus the freedom to live and love in any manner that serves you.
We applaud and encourage your path during this time of initiation and renewal. With this comes the encouragement to confront your own historical patterns born out of fear, competitiveness, and the brittle judging you were taught as a child long ago. We see you increasing the vibrational energy, untying those knots of inner confusion and self-doubt. To this end, today we speak to the smoothing and calm contemplation of your present moment and your creative ability. Allow this energy to work within you, releasing the behaviors that are wounding to yourself and others.
As more sunlight imbues your path, you will find it becomes simpler, lighter, freer, and more peaceful; releasing the struggle, the self-doubt, the comparison, and the weight that has been borne through your ancestral lines. You are here to cleanse, reinvigorate, and realign with the broader perspective tied to the forgetting of your own creative divinity. We are grateful for this opportunity to share, and so it is.
Photo: Beth Robson Photography