New Service ~ Monthly Energy Notes
Coaching Sessions
Jupiter moves into a beautiful supportive trine with Neptune (the final of 3 from 15 degrees Scorpio to Pisces) expressing a tremendous gift for healing, support, spirituality, creativity, compassion and inner peace.
It's easy to exquisitely connect with the feelings and vibrations of those around you. When you are able to walk a mile or two in another's shoes, and sense things from their perspective it enhances your heart and understanding. This is called empathy - the power to deepen your insight into the world and people around you.
A fluid sense of spirituality may grow as you seek to unite rather than divide, approach rather than reproach, and connect. Defense mechanisms can recede and dissolve as you view your landscape in softer colors.
The Summer grows gentler, calmer, more optimistic and moves you into a softer emotional climate. Whatever shifts, reversals or limitations you've recently experienced this energy transports you into a stronger heart space of acceptance, hope and optimism.
A mystical, creative, artistic, empathic, and creative passage. You don't need to work for it but rather to simply allow it....