Personal Sessions / Soul Coaching Packages
Spiritual Perspective of the Pluto Return $15
Welcome to your February Part 2 Video and the Full Moon in Leo. Reliably we are seeing the separating aspect of the final exact Saturn Uranus square with Uranus now in direct motion since mid-January. Astrology is a big clock delineating Earth events in a consistent fashion. More freedom and opening up energy is now in effect while some soul groups are working together to create more freedom within their countries and local regions.
Additionally, the first exact Pluto return occurs in the United States on February 20th, again in July, December and then the final conjunction occurs in October 2023. The conjunction aspect always points to endings that then give way to new beginnings. The Pluto return in a country is a call for change highlighting those conditions which are in a state of decay and dysfunction. Occurring in the 2nd house of money and increasing wealth disparity in the society is visible, and many of you are naturally aligning with this transit and shifting the way in which you work with your own resources and earn a living.
This significant transit has strongly been in effect at the beginning of 2021 and will continue to bring a strong influence to bear through January of 2024. Corruption and secrets tied to power will continue to surface. This time is revealing a strong need to re-balance skewed and disproportionate power dynamics into the years ahead.
What might a successful response to this Return look like? A focus on generational healing tied to inequity themes through the years, the recantation of war and a society that cares for all of its citizens equally not just the influential. Pluto is not polite, this archetypal energy demands change as things cannot go on as before.
The breaking down of societal structures is in need of reformation from a higher and loving consciousness.
For you, this time is supporting you to stabilize your own energy as we move through this time that is affecting what has been reliable patterns and reference points. The first conjunction occurs at time that breaks down to the number 8 symbolizing what shifts of consciousness need to happen to build something new. What is the new consciousness? The meaning you assign to this period is important.
It is one thing to see the corruption but a new level of public service is seeking to be born.
From the 13th to the 22nd but exact on the February 17th is the Jupiter sextile Uranus transit from 11 degrees Pisces to Taurus. Opportunities become available for invigorating social connections and breaking out of your normal routines. You may find your psychic and intuitive abilities are sharper, travel, progressive technologies and your deepening spiritual understanding. Positive intuitive outlets and validations are enhanced now.
The Full Moon in the Fire Sign Leo is exact on Wednesday the 16th at 28 degrees and squares the North Node in Taurus applying some tension (or mobilizing energy) to stabilize your path/finances and respecting your individuality. Developments and a releasing effect occurs at the Full Moon – your emotional life is highlighted. Leo is the performer, inner child, love and relationship, and your inherent creative qualities. You are creating every day as you bring awareness to your heart wisdom.
Venus is also conjunct Mars at this new moon at 17 degrees of Capricorn giving great courage, strong emotions and the love of beauty and harmony. Relationships can feel more balanced and rewarding and yet you may also be sorting through both hostile and affectionate feeling for those you love especially if you haven’t been engaging with your loved one in an authentic manner. This new moon can bring up and out some realizations that can then help you bring more balanced understanding in your relationship dynamics.
You move into the Sun’s transit of Pisces on the 18th. Aquarius can be mentally rigid or fixed intellectually energy, now the focus is on compassion, feelings, emotions and human sensitivity. If tears need to come up let those emotions move. Pisces is intuitive, empathic and artistic and the higher vibrational levels. More awareness will also occur regarding the medical and health arenas as you are reflecting on the events of the past year. Go gentle here…
Your intuitive energy and confidence is emphasized as Mars sextiles Neptune on the 22nd – 25th health and work solution themes are strong now. ON the 28th Mars trines the North Node in Taurus from 26 degrees Capricorn to Taurus – strong and stable Earth trine signifying practical solutions tied to trusting your instincts.
The Guides say: This is a time for heart healing and recovery from all that you have experienced and witnessed. Be gentle as some of these heavier energies are coming up for integration. This is a time of becoming more aware of post-traumatic stress symptoms and to understand some of these emotions due to increased perspective and your delayed reactions. You have been through many disruptions and events that have affected your sense of safety regarding continuity and predictability.
A time for personal recall centering in very basic human feelings of kindness, gentleness and perhaps moving a bit more slowly in your life. The over stimulation energy has been strong in the collective field. Please know your emotional body is processing what has been a hyper focused time on announcements, news and a heavy mental focus.
Great inner acceptance and support for your human journey and this is moving many of you into a much deeper remembrance of the preciousness of human life. This can be a very clarifying time as to what is truly important.
Gentle as she goes and it is important to commit to those uplifting activities and personal pleasures. A coming home to the human truth of who you really are body, mind, and spirit. You have witnessed much low vibrational behavior and actions.
We remind you that Earth is a teaching planet and on this journey of remembering your value the density reveals itself – the wounded and unhealed is more visible. It is the acknowledging that this way of living is not to your liking and moves you into what is important, what is humane and what is in love.
This in turn can lead to a renunciation for some of you of the historical power patterns as you come home to your own power and become the steward of both your reality and your choices – fertile life giving growth lives here. Simple pleasures are important.