Due to my YouTube channel hack the 1st of January I have moved my Monthly Videoscopes to Patreon for $1.00 per month. I feel safer having them here - thank you for joining and safe guarding my work ~I have uploaded two videos to my original channel and you can subscribe and view hereI am sorry for all of of the confusion and disruption as I appreciate your interest, participation and support ~
My New and Full Moon Soul Notes will continue to be shared on the YouTube platform.
All the videos on my channel are blocked I can't access them nor can the Public. Luckily, I still had the monthlies on my hard drive and two other videos (listed on my blog) were still on my phone. I've been told it can take weeks before resolution can be reached~
In the spirit of transparency further details on YouTube: My tech person explained that January is YouTube's most lucrative month for earnings. Not only do hackers take over your channel but can also breach Adsense earnings which is based on advertising revenue. Those earnings are now gone as well. I would prefer to not create revenue for a company that has been MIA for all intent and purpose during the one time I needed their help.
This is my full time job. The revenue loss is manifesting in a number of ways. On Patreon the videos will not carry YouTube advertisements but will be clean content and by not providing a financial incentive for future hackers at this time, it is providing a modicum of perceived safety into the future. ~ Thank you ~ Jean