The Full Moon in Capricorn perfects this Sunday morning, the 21st, at 6:17 a.m. EDT at 29 degrees. This lunation is consequential for the United States as the Full Moon conjuncts natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn, progressed Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn, and retrograde Pluto in transit at 1 degree Aquarius. That’s a lot of Pluto! I imagine more developments this weekend related to leadership and government.
Pluto will retrograde back to this Full Moon degree point on September 1st and remain there until November 20th, when he moves on from Capricorn entirely and back into Aquarius. Demolition energy is strong, and renewal will be the focus in the years ahead. We watch and hold on to our humanity, mental, emotional, and physical health. (I just finished a 20-minute pick-me-up cardio workout—what a difference in mindset before and after!).
The Guides had an enlightening perspective as we move towards the election this November. Watch the Livestream replay when you join at and listen to your monthly forecast. Much love ~