Live Event February 19th, VA Beach
Welcome to your January Part 2 2023 videoscope and the New Moon. We are moving into a period when all of the planets will be stationed direct a time when you get a return on your energy focus in your external world. Inner to outer / creation and timing /.
Mars is now direct in Taurus in the Sidereal at 13 degrees and 8 degrees in Gemini. Since August Mars has been representational of a theme in your life tying in security/self esteem issues with men, the masculine quality within us all, our ego, confidence and personal will. What began in August for you? Now there is movement and increasing resolutions and realizations. Mars entered Taurus on August 13th and stationed retrograde on October at 0 degrees of Gemini highlighting discussion and decisions. Mars will cross it’s retrograde station on March 15th when he transits into Gemini for good this time. But, you will feel your confidence returning and developments regarding your personal resources, evolving value system and financially.
On the 16th the Sun leaves Sagittarius a focus of the travel issues here in the US – Southwestern at the end of December when Mercury rx in the US 2nd house chart of finances/values squared Chiron in the 4th house of the population and families. Mercury rx opposed Jupiter from the 1st to the 7th when nationwide the airline travel was suspended on January 11th due to technical issues. The Sun now enters Capricorn as we collectively seek structure through the focus of our outer world tied to life direction, career, governments and authority figures.
Oh, quick announcement I am conducting my 1st live event here in VA Beach on Sunday, February 19th discussing our collective journey of integration and consciousness, if local and interested the link for this is in both the description and pinned comments section. As are my personal sessions and coaching services.
On the 19th Mercury stations direct at 13 degrees of Sagittarius (8 degrees Capricorn) and trines the North Node in Aries amping up your confidence and your personal journey. Mercury retrograded at 29 degrees Sagittarius on December 29th and highlights the travel issues in the sign Sagittarius of long distance travel. Interestingly, we have also seen a great deal of information revealed about royalty (Jupiter and Sagittarius along with Leo highlight these people) and Capricorn historic structures and hierarchical institutions. Quite an interesting symbol for these times – hierarchical structures tied to trauma themes and the media very Gemini/Sagittarius as well!
Mercury will transit into Capricorn on February 8th and into Aquarius in Tropical on Feb. 11th.
On the 22nd is the New Moon at 7 degrees of Capricorn and trines a newly awakened Mars in Taurus – this should be a satisfying time for developments in your material and vocational world. Sextile Jupiter in Pisces tying in your creativity, compassion and intuitive capacity/also the subconscious in harmony with the conscious, and conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn symbolizing money, resources, power and transformation energy. This New Moon is also squaring the North Node in Aries making adjustments regarding what is truly authentic for you following your heart, also independence and self-actualizing energy.
Venus transits out of Capricorn on the 24th and into Aquarius on the 24th highlighting again, your goals, friends and future wishes/desires as well as technology and high-tech themes through February 17th.
Now, in the Sidereal or Constellation chart Saturn once again transits back into Aquarius (he briefly visited Aquarius in May/June of last year) but now commits to Aquarius for the next 2.5 years. The 3rd week of February Saturn transits into the 3rd house in the US Chart. A question to ask yourself is are you running your technology or is your technology running you? There has been an insidious creeping effect on how much information is unwitting shared through our cyber world and growing requirements to participate and interact with it. Saturn of course also represents institutions/tech companies and government.
You can expert more not less controls being asserted in the areas of censorship through the tech platforms. So, you will want to be very aware of how and where you are getting your information – is it accurate or serving power? We’ve also seen an increase in personal censorship people not commuting as openly even within their own social structures and families. So, lets validate that! The 3rd house is how information flows and through what channels. It is an increasingly skewed environment and people are increasingly moving into new media outlets and new platforms to mine the news and information.
Do you own your mind? Or, is your mind owned? THIS is the theme going forward…. So much information is coming out about all of the censored experts in their respective fields that have earned the right to speak publicly and specifically I am addressing scientists, doctors, immunologists and others tied to the health event on planet. Neptune has been transiting this very area for decades in Aquarius bringing medicinal themes and confusion. Remember the US is one of two countries with pharmaceutical advertising always preparing you to be fearful of health conditions and what to do about it.
But, that is what this growing time of awakening and consciousness is about. We are on the integration planet of being aware of the control and fear themes to blossom into the understanding that we are creators of our reality. Moving into that heart energy and the contrast of the fear/control with the love/creative energy. Yes?
Pluto is just now heating up in Capricorn the past few years he is now at 3 degrees and will continue this time of fundamental structural regeneration and global structures. If you felt like hmm? This Pluto return in the US seems to be happening globally well – that is the Pluto Capricorn energy at work at the spiritual and psychological levels.
The US has Scorpio Rising a country who’s very identity is tied to transformation and change and it’s ruling planet is in the 2nd house of money, resources, land, farming….all of the Constitutional issues are up for your awareness. Are we living with a separation between the free press and government? I don’t think so! Freedom of the Press is to report on power abuses by our systems of power. We know that the security state and corporations control the mainstream press.
Uranus stations direct on the 22nd at 19 degrees of Aries (15 Taurus) your individuality is harnessed to create wealth for the controlling faction on earth. Are you living a life that truly reflects you? Your preferences and individuality. Yes, we all are one here on this 3rd dimensional space to experience separation but we have to get ourselves sorted out (in the manner of healing and reclamation) in order to contribute to the whole in a heart centered manner? Yes? Yes!