WELCOME to your November Part 2 video. I am Jean, a soul coach, intuitive and medium links to private sessions with me are above
This time period is an introduction to an energy that will be part of your evolution and growth through mid-2023. Also, I want to speak to a lot of fear energy I am seeing out there in the field and I feel called to remind you that these Earth events have been discussed for some time. Granted it’s one thing to know something intellectually and quite another at the emotional level.
Consciousness is the awakening from the dimensional 3rd energy experience; it is working with your multi-dimensional energy and engaging with these increasing higher frequencies to “create” differently in your life. It’s when you take “ownership” over your reality.
Over and over the Guides say “Thank you for your healing and light!” Even while you are seeing a lot of ugly truths and secrets coming up and out – this has been forecasted for some time.
This month is a call to bring into awareness your inheritance from the family, from the structures on planet and even from your Soul history.
It starts early in childhood and in the family environment. Children learn what will earn them positive feedback and what creates negative feedback or even none at all. SELF WORTH is a focus now and much of it is tied to your past programming both conscious and unconscious.
Enter the Lunar eclipses which are emotional release valves and typically are quite relationship-oriented. The “crisis” that these eclipses tend to elicit is a crisis of lack–a time when you suddenly realize a great need or want. Although Lunar eclipses are more relationship-oriented than Solar eclipses, they are not always about relationships between two people. They can trigger awareness of what you need or lack in other areas of our lives, such as your relationship to work, to your health and bodies, and so forth. This is a time when matters come to light– while emotions that have been brewing under the surface.
It is the focus on your needs vs. sharing and receiving support. Full Moons and the strong Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is delivering awareness of how to bring balance to your needs – the deep desire to enjoy the fruits of your labors (Taurus) and the transformative energy of sharing and supporting (Scorpio).
Eclipses are learning experiences as they bring up and out revelations and emotional awareness – the give and take of relationships, the give and take of your time, work and energy.
Something has been building within you for some time and is coming into full view in a dramatic emotional manner. This is the initial nudge from the Universe to let it out. Any stuffed feelings will be way more accessible for you and they should be as this is meant to be a personally revelatory and informative time.
You are entering the beginning of an Eclipse pattern that has not occurred since 2003 and lasted until the end of 2004. The North Node of Collective Growth is hovering at the 1st degree of Gemini before it shifts into Taurus in mid-January.
Any feelings of lack will become much more conscious as this is a dramatic time for epiphanies, changes and perhaps strong shifts in your relationships as they are either strengthened or strained.
The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurs on November 19th at 4:03 a.m. 27 degrees. Culminations, developments and new beginnings are born during Eclipses meant to move you along in your development and bring your attention to these areas in your life that are in need of renewal. The LE conjuncts the North Node in Gemini – intellectual energy, opposes Mercury in Scorpio, squares Jupiter in Aquarius – minding your resources be it time, energy or money and trines Pluto in Capricorn stabilizing your life direction, work and goals. Venus is spending a several weeks in Capricorn helping you to build your inner authority.
Taurus is the creator of form (manifestation energy) that is born out of one's desires and continued intentions. Value systems, themes of gratitude, forgiveness and the conscious releasing of crisis addiction may flow clearly into your awareness. Setting and holding healthy boundaries is encouraged - boundaries that develop through tending to self - "I am available for _____" and "I am not available for ____."
Taurus is the sign of healthy food, working with earth energy, staying grounded, developing your personal resources – talents, self-esteem IN order to share your energy with others. Taurus takes things 1 step at a time, values the physical senses, comfort and you need to honor your values and for others to understand and respect them as well.
“When you live by your own values you feel good about yourself” What you learn about yourself and your relationships will be a mobilizing and galvanizing force into the months ahead as there will be a New Moon SOLAR Eclipse in Taurus galvanizing your personal awareness and development at this Lunar Eclipse that will take new forms in May 2022.
It’s a time to clear up old fears and experiences that have been holding you back from realizing your full potential and releasing yourself from fears that may be tied to your family dynamics and desire to be supported. But, the question at this eclipse may be “supported on whose terms?”
There is a strong drive now to take of your needs, manage your resources, and boost your income, personal strength, talents and assets.
This eclipse will be visible from much of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and N. and S. America. So developments between external resources and your personal values will be strongly highlighted at this Eclipse. Global financial markets are highlighted as well. Food supplies, supply chain issues due to worker disruption regarding “values,” and extreme weather patterns will also be a reflection of this time.
Any changing circumstances or fated events are happening are to deepen your ability to bring more grounded self-respect into your experience. The final Eclipse in this Scorpio/Taurus axis occurs in October 2023.
Lunar eclipses are very emotional and sometimes extremely dynamic there is a divine “drama” playing out in your life that will calm down as you settle into some of these new realizations. They are meant to and intended to change you!
The 3rd and final The Saturn sextile Chiron highlighting opportunities to connect with your authentic gifts with confidence occurs now from 8 degrees of Aquarius to Aries. Saturn in Aquarius is describing commitment and responsibility while walking your path while Chiron’s job is to awaken you to the liberating theme of personal needs and conscious choice. This perfects on Nov. 26th but is in orb from mid-November through the 1st week of December.
The final Saturn square Uranus occurs on Christmas eve and has been increasing the personal tension to help you release from limiting habits of fearful programming. It’s been the pressure between the old forms of control vs. the burgeoning new forms seeking to express and emancipate.
Be aware of some unconscious energy on the 17th when Mars makes his once every 2 year opposition and this is from 12 degrees Scorpio to Taurus. This is a fast and reactive transit but may also deliver you from a limiting circumstance you’ve been contending with. You will see more car accidents and violence but this need not be your experience move slowly and deliberately through this passage.
On the 21st the Sun transits into expansive, playful, humor loving and knowledge thirsty Sagittarius and Mercury follows suite on the 24th when the communications on planet move from the suspicious and emotionally deep into the fire sign of action, freedom, higher consciousness’ and new frontiers on the 24th where Mercury will transit until December 13th.
Sagittarius seeks to unite your 3d experience with higher frequencies represented by the Centaur -half man (conscious intellect) and half animal (grounded instincts) – being grounded and in tune with your body and Earth energy while elevating your consciousness and utilizing inspired intelligence.
Thank you for subscribing and for those of you who would like to support my work you can visit with me on Patreon where your in-depth Monthly Videos live and I am conducting channeled sessions with my top tier patrons.
Be well and thank you for your healing and light ~