Jean Wiley Blog

July 29-August 10th: Jupiter square Pluto
Exact August 3-10th: The energy of leaders, wisdom, growth, spiritual awareness, judicial practice, publishing, and foreign lands/people, Jupiter, moves into his final square to Pluto (17 degrees Libra to Capricorn). ...
July 29-August 10th: Jupiter square Pluto
Exact August 3-10th: The energy of leaders, wisdom, growth, spiritual awareness, judicial practice, publishing, and foreign lands/people, Jupiter, moves into his final square to Pluto (17 degrees Libra to Capricorn). ...

August 2017 Monthly Videoscopes ~ Eclipse Season
Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries /...
August 2017 Monthly Videoscopes ~ Eclipse Season
Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries /...

July 20th - September 5th: Mars transits Leo
Mars joins Mercury in Leo marrying instinct with conscious thought. In Leo your desire nature grows as you leave the protective and familiar waters of Cancer. Now, you seek...
July 20th - September 5th: Mars transits Leo
Mars joins Mercury in Leo marrying instinct with conscious thought. In Leo your desire nature grows as you leave the protective and familiar waters of Cancer. Now, you seek...

July 23rd: Soul Note for NEW Moon in Leo ~
Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate
July 23rd: Soul Note for NEW Moon in Leo ~
Personal Sessions with Jean / Chiron Transits Aries / Donate